Something is Rotten in the Neo-Liberal Paradigm

Nike-Sweatshops-05What is ne0-liberalism? In a nutshell it is a reduction in government spending to increase the private sector slice of the economic pie. Sounds good? Well, of course it does if you are a free-market advocate who sees profit as the absolute end game of all creation. And those advocates want us all to buy into it. But what would it mean for us (us being the remainder who don’t see profit as the absolute end game of all creation)? It means taxes propping up private enterprise, it means sweat shop labour, it means less government interference – that is – less support of workers’ rights, it means minimum wage with no pension, it means exporting jobs to cheaper labour markets, it means poor service with non-accountability, it means rotten chicken.

It means Starbucks, McDonald’s, Burger King to name just a few, sourcing rotten chicken from a supplier like the Shanghai-based Husi Food Co Ltd. Rotten sweat shop chicken sold to you when you want to treat yourself for working hard. The only problem with this for the the ne0-liberal advocate is that the story broke. Making a massive profit out of garbage is fine, but keep exploitation a secret, the truth is bad for sales.

env-theimpact-01Fight ne0-liberalism. If you don’t you will wind up in a sweat shop eating garbage and dying young just like these chickens …

Oh, and here is Husi’s response to the scandal – Our company management believes this to be an isolated event, but takes full responsibility for the situation and will take appropriate action swiftly and comprehensively 

nice chicken

… So, everything’s alright then … Of course not.

Here is life without neo-liberalism. Your choice.

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